My cheerleading journey began in middle school. You can find me cheering for my school for both football and basketball! I am a Varsity Football cheer captain. School pride has helped me engage peers in victory!

I was honored to represent the Senior Class on Homecoming Court this year! I was able to represent my peers during a memorable time of the year.

Animals have always been a huge part of my life! I often volunteer at the animal shelters. I am able to give back to the community by helping animals in need.

Future Health Professionals has opened so many doors for me in the healthcare industry. At our local school chapter, I hold an the officer position of President, and was previously the media coordinator. I am able to share my passion of healthcare, and inspire others to find their passion.

Traveling to better others has always been a goal of mine. I hope to travel abroad for medicine. I love being able to meet new people and experience their culture.

I am apart of a select number of students from the county to be in Youth Leadership Hall. The program consists of young leaders! We meet business professionals and network with professional peers.

You can often find me participating in spirit days, school spirit, and Spartan Pride! Engaging in school spirit allows me to meet peers, and appreciate my school.

Baseball is my favorite sport. I manage my school's baseball team with several other girls. We keep track of the books, fundraisers, and pump up our players. I have been able to learn leadership and multitasking skills.

I participate in Spartan Players at West Hall. I have been able to express myself through theater. I feel it is important for people to share their creativity. Through this environment I have been able to work with a variety of people, and share a common goal.

I am a photographer! I focus on portraits and nature. I manage my own business outside of school! I have learned professional business skills. I am able to work with clients and capture moments of pure bliss. I enjoy showing my client's their beauty.

I have been coaching a youth cheer squad for 4 years now. Ages range from 6 to 12. I love giving back to the future community. These girls inspired me to pursue a future in pediatrics.

In my free time you can often find me hanging out with friends. My friends have been able to help me balance my extracurricular, as well as network.
Other Extracurricular
National Honor Society
Student Council